Tessa Wynne

Aug 4, 2020

Foil Printing vs. Digital Printing

If you’ve been scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram checking out wedding stationery, you’ve likely seen a range of different styles and designs, in various colours, shapes and sizes. It can be overwhelming!

Let me explain a few of the different print methods commonly used for wedding stationery design. I also have a full glossary available here.

There are lots of print methods out there, but this post is about digital printing and foil printing.

Digital/Flat printing

Digital printing, also referred to as ‘flat printing’ and ‘colour printing’ is the least expensive print method, and is also best suited to printing bright and colourful designs, such as watercolour.

So, if you’ve seen wedding invitations with lovely bright watercolour leaves or other colourful illustrations, it’s likely these were done with digital printing.

If you’re after something bright and colourful, but with a luxurious embellishment/flair, digital printing can be paired with other print methods, such as foil printing.

Foil Printing

Have you seen wedding invitations with a stunning metallic component (whether it be text or a monogram)? This was likely achieved with foil printing!

Foil printing is where a metal plate creates an impression using metallic foil - and is best for creating shine and luxurious finish.

Foil printing can leave a bit of an imprint on your wedding invitations, but not as deep an imprint as letterpress printing (um, what is letterpress you ask?! Check out my free guide where I define wedding stationery terminology/jargon!).

Foil printing does typically mean an additional cost however, because of the additional design work required specifically for foil, and the additional printing costs including creating the metal plate specifically for your design. Foil printing is available in a range of colours to match your stationery suite and paper choice, not just silver or gold.

You are guaranteed to wow your guests with foil printing, it screams glitz, glamour and style.

If you wanna know more about different wedding stationery printing methods, styles and accessories, check out my free glossary below!